National Action plan for Agriculture GHG Inventory Improvement: Saint Lucia

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Stevens, Luanne
Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI). Washington, DC, United States of America
Corporative author
Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)
Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Fisheries, Food Security and Rural Development (MOA). Castries, Saint Lucia
Ministry of Sustainable Development, Energy, Science and Technology (MSDEST) Department of Sustainable Development (DSD). Castries, Saint Lucia
Castries, Saint Lucia
Sustainable development goals
ODS 7 - Energía asequible y no contaminante
ODS 12 - Producción y consumo responsables
ODS 13 - Acción por el clima
Show full item recordAbstract
The AgREADY project aims to position Caribbean agriculture as a low-emission solution for climate change and improve its financing prioritization process. The project intends to develop a climate-responsive agriculture sector that supports food security and livelihood by addressing ineffective mechanisms and engaging agricultural experts to inform climate risks planning. The project has the following objectives: improve enabling conditions, identify investment projects, and disseminate best practices for institutional capacity building. The methodology includes developing a National Action Plan to improve the agriculture Greenhouse Gas inventory by assessing, identifying areas for improvement, developing and prioritizing actions. The review of the latest available inventory report was used to discuss with experts to determine the necessary amendments to enhance inventory compilation and improve agriculture emission estimates.
Cambio climático||climate change||mudança de clima||changement climatique, Adaptación al cambio climático||climate change adaptation||adaptation aux changements climatiques, mitigación del cambio climático||climate change mitigation||atténuation des effets du changement climatique, Proyectos de desarrollo||development projects||projecto de desenvolvimento||projet de développement, Políticas||policies||política||politique, Planificación||planning||planeamento||planification, Sector agrario||agricultural sector||sector agrícola||secteur agricole, reducción de emisiones||emission reduction||réduction des émissions, Efecto invernadero||greenhouse effect||efeito de estufa||effet de serre, gestión de la información||information management||gestão da informação||gestion de l'information, Encuestas||surveys||inquérito||enquête, Capacitación||training||formação||formation, Desarrollo de capacidad||capacity development||desenvolvimento das capacidades||développement des capacités, Residuos||residues||resíduo||résidu, Ganado||livestock||gado||bétail, Colección de datos||data collection||recolha de dados||collecte de données, Bases de datos||databases||base de dados||banque de données, Sistemas de información||information systems||sistema de informação||système d'information, Control de calidad||quality control||controlo da qualidade||contrôle de qualité, Auditoría||auditing||auditoria||vérification comptable, Procedimientos||procedures||procedimentos||procédure, Abonos||fertilizers||fertilizante||engrais, Manejo de desechos agrícolas||agricultural waste management||gestão de resíduos agrícolas||gestion des déchets agricoles, CARICOM, Santa Lucia||Saint Lucia||Santa Lúcia||Sainte-Lucie, Caribe||Caribbean||Caraíbas||Caraïbes, GHG, Agriculture greenhouse gases, Agriculture greenhouse gases inventory, NEIS, MRV Portal, 5111-00, National report,
Representación Santa Lucía
Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)
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