Browsing by Keyword "Impacto ambiental||environmental impact||impacto ambiental||impact sur l'environnement"
Now showing items 1-20 of 103
Acerca de Sistemas Alimentarios “Fallidos” y Otras Narrativas
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 2024)Analiza la evolución de los sistemas alimentarios a lo largo del tiempo. Se busca proporcionar una narrativa equilibrada que reconozca los beneficios generados por los sistemas alimentarios, al tiempo que señala los problemas ... -
Unidad de estudio: Agricultura de Precisión
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 2024)La agricultura de precisión, con tecnologías avanzadas, facilita una producción sostenible y rentable que permite la toma de decisiones informadas para empoderar a agricultores, reducir la carga de trabajo y promover la ... -
Enhancing Gender-Responsive Sustainable Livestock Management and Climate Adaptation Through Participatory and Satellite Monitoring in Mexico and Guatemala. Project description and estimated budget for the project
(2024)The document provides details on a collaborative project between Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Argentina and Costa Rica, implemented by IICA. The main objective is to empower livestock farming families in Mexico and Guatemala, ... -
Webinar de la Red Sial Americana: Terruño y Vino en América Latina: "Casos y Reflexiones"
(29-09-2023)Temas: Industria Vinícola. Vitivinicultura. -
IICA En Acción. Temporada 2. Episodio 14
(11-09-2023)En esta nueva entrega del Podcast IICA EN ACCION te contamos cómo herramientas digitales basadas en información satelital son muy útiles para la toma de decisiones en el sector agropecuario de las Américas. También te ... -
Entrevista a Alfonso Freiría. Co-fundador Tenet Uruguay
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 08-06-2023)El cofundador de Tenet Uruguay, Alfonso Freiría, comenta que el productor es un usuario, quien obtiene un premio de precio por tonelada de producción. La intención es que el comercializador de verano le pase una prima de ... -
Building Climate Resilient Agriculture in Caribbean Countries: St. Kitts and Nevis
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 2023)St. Kitts & Nevis' agriculture sector represents 1.4% of GDP and consists of small-scale farms. The government owns most of the farm land, with the remainder owned by individuals and families. Subsistence farming is common, ... -
Building Climate Resilient Agriculture in Caribbean Countries: St. Vincent and the Grenadines
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 2023)Agriculture is a priority sector for adaptation in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, but no mitigation targets were included in its initial Nationally Determined Contributions (iNDC). The main barrier to implementing climate ... -
Building Climate Resilient Agriculture in Caribbean Countries: Suriname
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 2023)Agriculture is a significant sector in Suriname, employing 17% of the population, but faces challenges such as low productivity, inadequate technology, and limited irrigation. The country has prioritized climate resilient ... -
Building Climate Resilient Agriculture in Caribbean Countries: Trinidad and Tobago
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 2023)Trinidad and Tobago's agriculture sector contributes only 1.2% to the country's GDP, but it employs over 4% of the population and plays a crucial role in diversifying the economy. However, the sector faces challenges in ... -
Desarrollo agtech en la Región Andina: casos de éxito y lecciones para el futuro
(Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), 2023)El estudio mapea el panorama de la agtech en la región andina y analiza en detalle diez estudios de caso para entender los retos y las oportunidades que supone el establecimiento de estos emprendimientos en la región. La ... -
Outils pour une agriculture résiliente dans la Caraïbe
(Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), 09-11-2022)M. Laurenzo Tirtopawiro, spécialiste technique à la délégation de l’IICA au Suriname, partage les expériences de l’amélioration de la réactivité climatique du secteur agricole du Suriname grâce à la promotion et à la mise ... -
Tools for a resilient agriculture in the Caribbean
(Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), 09-11-2022)Mr. Laurenzo Tirtopawiro, Technical Specialist at the IICA Delegation in Suriname shares his experiences of enhancing the climate responsiveness of Suriname's agriculture sector through the promotion and implementation of ... -
COP 27: El rol de las energías renovables en la descarbonización
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 24-10-2022)En un escenario donde el cambio climático se evidencia con el aumento de fenómenos meteorológicos extremos, el sector energético juega un papel prioritario en la descarbonización y mitigación de los efectos adversos ... -
Experience Implementing Ecosystem-based Adaptation in the Caribbean
(Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), 12-10-2022)Ms. Jaime Romany, Project Technical Officer IICA-CBF EbA Project speaks on addressing climate action in the agriculture sector using vetiver grass as a green engineering and Nature-based Solution that can help reduce soil ... -
Efficient Low-Cost Irrigation and Water Saving Techniques for Increasing Crop Production
(Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), 14-09-2022)Mr. Bradbury Browne, Senior Technician at CARDI Antigua & Barbuda highlights the water related challenges experienced in Caribbean agriculture production and proposes some cost-effective tools, equipment and strategies-that ... -
Techniques for creating high quality compost in an effort to reduce fertilizer cost
(Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), 17-08-2022)Mr. Bryan Smith, Agriculture Specialist at the Jamaica Social Investment Fund explains the principles of composting, the steps in setting up a compost pile, as well as the composting process. Mr. Smith also delves into ... -
GCF CARICOM AgReady Project Consultation
(Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), 13-07-2022)Mrs. Kelly Witkowski, Manager of IICA's Agricultural Climate Action and Sustainability Program provides a brief overview of the agriculture readiness and preparatory support project titled 'Strengthening the Foundation for ... -
Construcción sistema de filtración de aguas residuales
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 2022)Explicação como construir um sistema para tratamento de águas de uso doméstico para irrigação -
Experiences Enhancing Climate Responsive Agriculture in the Caribbean
(Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), 10-11-2021)Mr. Kent Coipel, Technical Specialist at the IICA Delegation in Dominica shares his experiences of enhancing the climate responsiveness of Dominica's agriculture sector through the integration of gender-responsiveness in ...