Itens para a visualização no momento 21-40 of 675

      Workshop on Global Market Integration and the Agri-Food Sector 25-27 Mar 1998 [1]
      Workshop on Biological Control of Papaya Mealy Bug Basseterre (St. Kitts) 25-26 Jul 2000. [1]
      Workshop on Agroclimatic Zoning Case Study Kingston, Jamaica [1]
      Workshop in agricultural planning and policy analysis [1]
      Workshop for Planning Agricultural Development in the Rupununi Region 9 [1]
      Workshop de Atualizacao Técnica Negociacao e Comercializacao Agropecuária e Agricultura Familiar no MERCOSUL [1]
      Workshop : Sustainable Small Farm Milk Production Dairy Development Kingston (Jamaica) 1 Oct 1993. [1]
      Working together: committed to joint action. A special report 2003 [1]
      Working together, CARIFORUM (CARICOM) member States can make valuable strides toward food and nutrition security through the use of improved germplasm [1]
      Working plan for the fourth year (PROSICUR) [1]
      Work Plan Management System (WPMS): Data entry record [1]
      Work on international agricultural trade carried out by the international agencies during the period 2012-2017 the cases of the WTO and the ITC [1]
      Wool Production and Management of Grazing Systems [1]
      Women, youth and the agriculture food systems transformation [1]
      Women small farmers in the Caribbean [1]
      Women in small-scale agricultural production in Trinidad. Report on a survey of five groups as part of the IICA project: Enhancing the participation of women in the rural development process in Trinidad and Tobago through institutional strengthening [1]
      Women in Agriculture. Policies to strengthening and improving the contribution of women to agriculture and food security [1]
      Women food producers: agricultural polices and women food producers in Latin America and The Caribbean [1]
      Women food producers in Suriname: technology and marketing [1]
      Women food producers in Suriname: national summary [1]