Addressing Priority Animal Diseases in the Americas: Guidance from the 2024 International PROCINORTE Animal Health Workshop
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Enfermedades animales prioritarias en las Américas: orientaciones del Taller Internacional de Sanidad Animal PROCINORTE 2024
The results and directions of the PROCINORTE 2024 International Animal Health Workshop held in Mexico City are discussed. This workshop brought together specialists from Canada, the United States and Mexico to discuss priority animal diseases and the importance of international collaboration in animal health and food safety.
The focus of the workshop included Bovine Tuberculosis (BT), African Swine Fever (ASF) and Emerging Zoonotic Influenza.
The workshop emphasized the interdependence between the health of humans, animals and the environment, promoting the “One Health” approach. It underscored the need for a multidisciplinary team to combat these diseases and invited partners to collaborate with PROCINORTE to advance animal health and technology dialogues in the region.
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Palabras clave
Sanidad animal||animal health||sanidade animal||santé animale, Salud humana||human health||santé humaine, Cooperación internacional||international cooperation||cooperação internacional||coopération internationale, Seguridad alimentaria||food security||segurança alimentar||sécurité alimentaire, Tuberculosis bovina||bovine tuberculosis||tuberculose bovina||tuberculose bovine, Américas||Americas||Américas||Amériques, Emerging Zoonotic Influenza, African Swine Fever, Blog IICA,
Representación Canadá
Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)
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