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dc.contributor.authorInstituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)es
dc.description44 páginases
dc.description.abstractThe document describes the general objective of the IICA project; this being to increase livestock production and productivity in the Caribbean by strengthening animal health institutions in the successful execution of the mandates given Member Countries. The specific objective is to provide technical cooperation for the prevention and control of livestock pests and diseases in the Caribbean. His general strategy includes: 1) annual regional, hemispheric and global diagnoses to be held through scheduled meetings of Directors of Animal Health to review progress, promote recommendations and determine project direction; 2) attendance and support at livestock industry and research symposia to assess relevance of current activities; 3) review and coordinate the adoption of animal health preventive measures for local and international trade and establish specific measures for response capability in emergency disease situations; 4) identify needs and implement relevant programmes for training, research and extension; and 5) promote the development of projects in animal health, and ensure their funding and
dc.publisherInstituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)es
dc.subjectControl de enfermedades||disease control||combate às doenças||contrôle de maladieses
dc.subjectControl de plagas||pest control||combate às pragas||lutte antiravageures
dc.subjectEnfermedades de los animales||animal diseases||doença dos animais||maladie des animauxes
dc.subjectGanadería||animal husbandry||criação animal||élevagees
dc.subjectProyectos de desarrollo||development projects||projecto de desenvolvimento||projet de développementes
dc.subject.otherRepresentación Guyanaes
dc.titleProviding technical cooperation for the prevention and control of livestock pests and diseases in the Caribbeanes

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