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dc.contributor.otherInstituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)es
dc.description.abstractParaguay is home to a rich biodiversity with thousands of plant and animal species, protected by legal and international regulations. The country is divided into eleven ecoregions, with six in the eastern region (including the Alto Paraná Atlantic Forest) and five in the west (such as the Gran Chaco). The National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PNACC) warns that climate change may alter habitats, affect flora and fauna, and increase the incidence of pests and extreme weather events. Biodiversity is therefore crucial for the resilience of forest ecosystems and can help mitigate climate change. Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of Paraguay includes adaptation objectives related to PAs, such as strengthening the resilience of the tourism sector and increasing the area of PAs from 15% to 18%. The support from the readiness fund aims to improve the technical and financial capacity of the authorities to implement adaptation and mitigation measures. The direct beneficiaries are SINASIP stakeholders, including local authorities and
dc.format.extent26 páginases
dc.subjectServicio de los ecosistemas||ecosystem services||services écosystémiqueses
dc.subjectConservación de la diversidad biológica||biodiversity conservation||conservação diversidade biológica||conservation de la diversité biologiquees
dc.subjectMitigación del cambio climático||climate change mitigation||atténuation des effets du changement climatiquees
dc.subjectZonas protegidas||protected areas||zona protegida||zone protégéees
dc.subjectAdaptación al cambio climático||climate change adaptation||adaptation aux changements climatiqueses
dc.subject.otherRepresentación Paraguayes
dc.titleTerms of reference. Proposal approved by the Green Climate Fund. Annex Aes
dc.typePlan o proyectoes
dc.subject.sdgODS 13 - Acción por el climaes

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