Browsing by Keyword "development plans"
Now showing items 1-20 of 36
Best Practices Bank. Successful experiences in horizontal cooperation
(IICA, 2021)A compilation of successful projects developed with the interest of sustainable development goals is presented. In the materials, the problems of the region or country are recognized and finally the implementation of the ... -
Banco de buenas prácticas. Experiencias exitosas en cooperación horizontal
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 2021)Se presenta una recopilación de proyectos exitosos desarrollados con el interés de objetivos de desarrollo sostenible. En los materiales se reconoce la problemática de la región o país y finalmente se plantea la implementación ... -
Encuentro regional de diálogo de políticas públicas específicas para la agricultura familiar Estrategias nacionales para el fortalecimiento de la agricultura familiar
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 08-06-2016)Memoria del evento con los principales temas presentados y discutidos sobre las estrategias/planes/programas nacionales específicos para la agricultura familiar desarrollados en Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, ... -
Plan de mediano plazo 2014-2018: agricultura, oportunidad de desarrollo en las Américas
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 2014)El PMP 2014-2018 renueva nuestro compromiso de fortalecer la capacidad técnica del IICA para enfrentar los desafíos del sector establecidos en el mencionado PE. Ello nos obliga a redoblar esfuerzos para emprender, junto ... -
Política pública de desarrollo rural y participación social
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 2009)El artículo presenta la estrategia de desarrollo de la I Conferencia Nacional de Desarrollo Rural Sostenible y Solidario (CNDRSS), cuyo objetivo fue la construcción de bases para una nueva política nacional de desarrollo ... -
Canada. Annual report 2008
(IICA, 2009)The activities of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture are presented, by the Delegation of Canada, during 2008, focused on the development of agriculture and rural life, making available its installed ... -
Guyana. Annual report 2008
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 2009)The activities of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture are presented, by the Representation of Guyana, during 2008, focused on the development of agriculture and rural life, making available its ... -
Suriname. Annual report 2008
(IICA, 2009)The activities of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture are presented, by the Representation of Suriname, during 2008, focused on the development of agriculture and rural life, making available its ... -
Trinidad and Tobago. Annual report 2007
(IICA, 2008)The IICA Office in Trinidad and Tobago is guided by an annual work programme, which is set within and in response to the wider hemispheric and regional and national mandates of the Agro Plan 2003-2015, the Jagdeo Initiative ... -
United States of America. Annual report 2008
(IICA, 2008)The activities of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture are presented, by the Delegation of United States, during 2008, focused on the development of agriculture and rural life, making available its ... -
Suriname. Annual report 2007
(IICA, 2008)The actions of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) are presented, and its purposes are to promote and support the efforts of its member states to achieve agricultural development and the ... -
2007 Annual report. The contribution of IICA to agriculture and the development of rural communities in Belize
(IICA, 2008)In 2007, IICA presents the implementation of the Medium-Term Institute 2006-2010 Plan, with the objective of creating a model institution for modern development and implementation of components of the institute's vision ... -
National Annual Report 2007. IICA's contribution to agriculture and the development of the rural communities in Grenada
(IICA, 2008)The actions of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) are presented, and its purposes are to promote and support the efforts of its member states to achieve agricultural development and the ... -
2007 Annual report. IICA's contribution to agriculture and the development of the rural communities in Jamaica
(IICA, 2008)This 2007 annual report documents the first year of implementation of the medium-term plan, focused on four main objectives; successful organization of events and seminars beneficial to agriculture and rural life in Jamaica; ... -
Saint Lucia. Annual report 2007
(IICA, 2008)This report details the results of the actions of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture to help the Government and other stakeholders in agriculture and related sectors respond to various challenges. ... -
Saint Kitts and Nevis. Annual report 2007
(IICA, 2008)The actions of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) are presented, and its purposes are to promote and support the efforts of its member states to achieve agricultural development and the ... -
Guyana. Annual report 2007
(IICA, 2008)The year under review, 2007, presents the operation of the IICA Office in Guyana, presents the actions of the institute in IICA's contribution to the repositioning of agriculture and rural life, promotion of trade and the ... -
Bahamas. Annual report 2007
(IICA, 2008)The year under review, 2007, presents the operation of the IICA Office in Bahamas, presents the actions of the institute in IICA's contribution to the repositioning of agriculture and rural life, promotion of trade and the ... -
Plan de Mediano Plazo 2002-2006: centrado en las personas y comprometido con el futuro
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 2002)El Plan refleja los nuevos mandatos de la tercera Cumbre de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de las Américas presentados en la Declaración y el Plan de Acción de la Cumbre, así como de la Declaración de Bávaro adoptada por ... -
Informe anual 1998
(IICA, 1999)Este informe es el resultado de la acción cooperativa e igualmente pretende dar una visión innovadora y sistemática de los avances logrados en la cooperación técnica del IICA. Finalmente presenta un resumen de las acciones ...