• Agriculture Policy Programme Caribbean Action: Guyana, country update 

      Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA); Agriculture Policy Programme (APP) (2016)
      The Update highlights contributions of the APP from actions under the Scale Down Work Plan, that were grounded in-country with direct benefits to local stakeholders.
    • Los tábanos de las Guyanas, biología, morfología e importancia en la producción animal y métodos de control 

      Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA); Elevage et Médecine Véterinaire Tropicale; Desquesnes, Marc; CIRAD; Roque, Stephane de la (IICA, 1994)
      Esta publicación complementa el documento titulado La garrapata del ganado, Boophilus microplus y preparado por CIRAD-EMVT dentro de las actividades de apoyo a la producción animal y a la lucha contra los vectores de los ...
    • Annual report (1990) to the covernment of Guyana 

      Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) (IICA, 1990)
      This document presents: -Technical cooperation projects -Integrated rural community development -Development of tropical fruits -Development of livestock production -Strengthening the animal health and veterinary ...
    • Proceedings of RESANTILLAS IV and LABANTILLAS II: Veterinary diagnostic laboratory report - Guyana 

      Meeting of Directors of Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories of the Caribbean-LABANTILLAS II Ogle, East Coast Demerara (Guyana) 8-10 Abr 1987.; Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA); Meeting of Directors of Animal Health of the Caribbean-RESANTILLAS IV; Reid, H (Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas (IICA), 1987)
      The Veterinary Diagnostic Services have experienced mixed fortunes over recent times. While training for several staff personnel took place, two senior staff members - clinical pathologist - and the parasitologist - resigned. ...
    • Crop and Livestock Statistics in Guyana: a compilation of existing data 

      Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA); Ministry of Agriculture (1980)
      This document is the first of a serie designed to review avalable agricultural data. Data collection was done during the last part of 1979 and involved one officer of the resource development and palnning division of the ...
    • Workshop in agricultural planning and policy analysis 

      Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas (IICA); Ministry of Agriculture, Georgetown (Guyana) (IICA, 1979)
      Uno de los principales problemas del proceso de desarrollo social y económico es el grado de importancia y función de la planificación en los países en desarrollo y su adecuada utilización en el análisis de políticas y el ...
    • Definition and promotion of methodologies for legume and cassava production in Guyana 

      Fondo Simón Bolívar (FSB); Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) (IICA, 1978)
      This document, has the objetive to co-operate with the relevant organizations of the agricultural sector in the development and application of appropriate technologpy for legume and cassava production, to be done under ...
    • Operative Programme for IICA Office in Guayana 1978/1979 

      Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas (IICA) (Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas (IICA), 1978)
      This Programa Operativo elaborated in December 1977 on the basis of the policy directives described in the medium-term indicative plan has been revised following the recommendations made at the planning meeting in January 1978.
    • Regional conference of the directors of rural youth and home economics programmes of the countries of the Caribbean area: Barbados, Guyana, Haití, Jamaica and U.S.A 

      Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas (IICA); Ministry of youth, sports, and country development, Kingston (Jamaica); Ministry of Agriculture, Kingston (Jamaica); Ministry of education, Kingston (Jamaica); Regional conference of the directors of rural youth and home economics programmes of the countries of the Caribbean area: Barbados, Guyana, Haití, Jamaica and U.S.A Kingston, Jamaica august 14 - 19, 1978. (IICA, 1978)
      En 1977, la OEA en su reunión en St. Georges, Crenada, aprobó la resolución 279 declarando 1978 Año de la Juventud Rural Interamericana. Para la organización de los programas del año, se asignó la responsabilidad al Instituto ...
    • Land Settlement in Guyana Inventory and Legal Bases a Compilation of Existing Information 

      Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas (IICA); Mc Cormack, Michael (IICA, 1978)
      This study is part of a series of work wich are intended to present background information in the area of land settlements.
    • Information system for planning and decision making in the agricultural sector a framework for Guyana 

      Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas (IICA) (Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas (IICA), 1978)
      In this paper, an attempt will be ,ade to analyse a feasible information system with special reference to the agricultural sector. Section 2 of the paper will give a background to our objetive, putlining the important ...
    • Post harvest food losses 

      Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas (IICA); Ministry of Agriculture, Georgetown (Guyana) (IICA, 1977)
      Este documento presenta información sobre la post cosecha, la resolución de 1975, las pérdidas de alimentos, tipos de pérdidas, granos agrietados y rotos, pérdidas causadas por procesos, pérdidas causadas por el almacenamiento, ...
    • Reunion technique regionale sur les systèmes de recherche agricole dans Les Antilles 

      Reunion technique regionale sur les systèmes de recherche agricole dans Les Antilles Port-Au-Prince, Haití 28 de noviembre - 2 de diciembre, 1977.; Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas (IICA) (Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas (IICA), 1977)
      This document represents the results of our effort to edit a preliminary version of the proceeding of the regional technical meeting on agricultural research systems in the Antilles, held at Haití. These preliminary ...
    • Horseflies of the Guyanas: biology, veterinary significance and control methods 

      Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA); CIRAD, Cayenne (Guiana Francesa). Elevage et Médecine Véterinaire Tropicale; Desquernes, Marc; de la Rocque, Stephane; Vokaty, Sandra
      This work complements the document The cattletick Boophilus microplus: previously distributed to cattle producers in French Guiana, and it is a continuation and completion of work carried out within the framework of INRA ...