Communities in IICA
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Pliego de descripciones técnicas para la contratación de servicios de apoyo a los poderes públicos en la promoción y consolidación del padrón de productores agrarios (PPA) y de la identidad digital del productor agrario
(2024)El contrato pretende dar servicios de apoyo a los poderes públicos en la promoción y consolidación del Padrón de Productores Agrarios (PPA) y de la Identidad Digital del Productor Agrario como herramientas para la adaptación ... -
Projeto de Cooperação Técnica-PCT MPA/IICA/ABC.
(2024)O presente PCT tem três objetivos imediatos que contemplam resultados específicos, conforme descritos a seguir. Cada resultado prevê a finalidade e a entrega de produtos validados, implementados, internalizados e disseminados, ... -
Modernizing, Expanding, and Measuring the Impact of FDA on Food Safety Initiatives
(2024)With this current proposal, IICA seeks to build on the successes of the past two Cooperative Agreements and implement high-impact interventions that directly reduce risks associated with importing food into the United ... -
Technical Cooperation for Pollinator Conservation and the Promotion of Sustainable Agricultural Practices in Latin America and the Caribbean
The document outlines a technical cooperation project led by IICA and partners, focused on pollinator conservation and the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices in Latin America and the Caribbean. It emphasizes ... -
Proyecto de fortalecimiento del registro y control de insumos agropecuarios
(10-2024)El convenio busca ejecutar el Proyecto PROREG para atender requerimientos de revisión técnica a las solicitudes de registro y modificación de registro de insumos agropecuarios y la habilitación de responsabilidades técnicas ... -
Qualificação das ações públicas de promoção da segurança alimentar e nutricional e do acesso a água para as famílias em situação de vulnerabilidade social no Brasil
(2024)Projeto de Cooperação Técnica entre o MDS e o IICA para dar suporte à implementação qualificada das ações do governo brasileiro voltadas para a produção e a distribuição de alimentos, bem como para o acesso à água, destinadas ... -
Proposal Submission USDA Funding Opportunity Number: USDA-FAS-10960-0700-10-23-0023
(09-2023)Through this program, IICA proposes to build upon the previous work and partnership with FAS in order to continue alignment between LAC countries and the United States around pesticides and MRLs, and help LAC farmers resist ... -
Ecuador's first biennial transparency report and fifth national communication
(2024)To support Ecuador, prepare and submit its First Biennial Transparency Report (BTR1) and Fifth National Communication (NC5) that comply with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Paris ... -
The Caribbean, Central America, and the Andean Region Regional Engagement on the Prevention and Control of African Swine Fever (ASF)
(2025)The project will increase participating countries’ capacities in four main areas: 1) risk communication and crisis communication, 2) prevention and control of ASF and other swine hemorrhagic diseases, with special attention ... -
Land-use planning and financial innovation to increase Mexico’s resilience to climate change
(10-2022)The general goal of the project is to improve resilience and adaptation to climate change in the rural sector in vulnerable regions of Mexico through land-use planning policies, Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) practices, ... -
Regulatory Harmonization in Latin American and the Caribbean
(2025)Under this agreement, IICA is partnering with USDA/FAS to support the development and adoption of harmonized science-based and trade facilitating regulatory policies by organizing specific in-country interventions and ...