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dc.contributor.authorExecutive Committee (EC)en
dc.coverage.spatialSan Jose, Costa Ricaen
dc.descriptionJuly 22-23, 2004en
dc.relation.haspartReport of the Twenty-fourth Regular Meetingen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-439) Provisional Agendaen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-440) Provisional Scheduleen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-441) Report on the 2004 Meeting of the Special Advisory Commission on Management Issuesen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-443) Independent Auditors´Report to the IABAen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-444) Tenth Annual Report of the Audit Review Committee (ARC) of IICAen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-445) Financial Situation of the Institute: Progress Report on the Implementation of Policies and Mesures for Reestructuring the Institute´s Financesen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-446) Report on Progress of the Collection of Quotas Oweden
dc.relation.haspart(WD-447) Toward Smart Parity System: A 21st Century Human Resource Management System for IICA, Update and Proposals for Review 2004en
dc.relation.haspart(WD-448) Proposed Amendments to the Staff Rulesen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-449) Proposed Amendments to the System for the Determination of Remuneration of IICA Personnelen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-450) Proposal for Granting the Title of Emeritus Statusen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-451) Progress Made in Strengthening Internal Communications Mechanism for Managementen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-452) Status of the Resolutions of the Twelfth Regular Meeting of the IABAen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-453) Status of the Resolutions of the Twenty-third Regular Meeting of the Executive Committeeen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-454) Date and Site of the Twenty-fifth Regular Meeting of the Executive Committeeen
dc.relation.haspart419 - Amendments to the Staff Rules and to the System for the Determination of Remuneration of IICA Personnelen
dc.relation.haspart408 - Progress Report on the Implementation of IICA’s 2002-2006 Medium Term Plan and the Process to Transform the Instituteen
dc.relation.haspart409 - 2003 Annual Reporten
dc.relation.haspart410 - IICA Action in the Areas of Trade, Agribusiness, Agricultural Health and Food Safetyen
dc.relation.haspart411 - Compliance with the Resolutions of the Executive Committee and the Inter-American Board of Agriculture regarding the Assessment of IICA’s Agricultural Health and Food Safety Programen
dc.relation.haspart412 - Financing of Capacity Building for the Participation of the Member States in the WTO’s SPS Committeeen
dc.relation.haspart413 - The 2004-2005 Ministerial Process in Preparation for the Third Ministerial Meeting, the Thirteenth Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Board of Agriculture and the Fourth Summit of the Americasen
dc.relation.haspart414 - Report of the Special Advisory Commission on Management Issues (SACMI) 2004en
dc.relation.haspart415 - 2003 Financial Statements of the Institute and Report of the External Auditorsen
dc.relation.haspart416 - Tenth Report of the Audit Review Committee (ARC)en
dc.relation.haspart417 - Progress Report on the Collection of Quotas Owed to the Institute and on Compliance with IABA Resolution 392en
dc.relation.haspart418 - Modernization of Human Resources Management at IICAen
dc.relation.haspart420 - Strengthening of Internal Communication Mechanisms for Managementen
dc.relation.haspart421 - Amendment to Article 73 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Directorate and Rule 2.1(B) of the Finan-cial Rulesen
dc.relation.haspart422 - Title of Emeritusen
dc.relation.haspart423 - Status of the Resolutions of the Twenty-Third Regular Meeting of the Executive Committeeen
dc.relation.haspart424 - Status of the Resolutions of the Twelfth Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Board of Agricultureen
dc.relation.haspart425 - Date and Site of the Twenty-fifth Regular Meeting of the Executive Committeeen
dc.subject.otherSede Centrales
dc.titleXXIV Regular Meeting of the Executive Committeeen

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