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dc.contributor.authorInter-American Board of Agriculture (IABA)en
dc.coverage.spatialMontego Bay, Jamaicaen
dc.descriptionOctober 29-30, 2009en
dc.relation.haspartReport of the Fifteenth Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Board of Agricultureen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-326) Provisional Schedule of the Meetingen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-327) Proposed 2010-2020 Strategic Frameworken
dc.relation.haspart(WD-328) Preparation of the 2010-2014 Medium Term Planen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-329) Auditor´s Report 2008-2007en
dc.relation.haspart(WD-330) Fourteenth and Fifteenth Reports of the ARCen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-331) Current Status of Quota Payments and Progress in the Collection of Quotas owed to the Instituteen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-332) 2010 2011 Program Budget Main Documenten
dc.relation.haspart(WD-332b) 2010 2011 Program Budget Appendicesen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-333) General Power of attorney to the Director General-Elect for the 2010-2014 Termen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-334) 2007-2008 Inter-American Awards in the Rural Sectoren
dc.relation.haspart(WD-335) Proposal for the Institutionalization of the SACMIen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-336) Proposed donation of Land owned by IICA for the construction of a hospital in Turrialbaen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-337) Appointing of the Representative to the Inter-American Board of Agriculture (IABA) to the CATIE Governing Councilen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-338) Status Resolutions of the Fourteenth Regular Meeting of the IABAen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-339) Report on the Status of the Resolutions of the XXVIII and XXIX Regular Meetings of the Executive Committeeen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-340) Date and site of Fifteenth Regular Meeting of the IABAen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-341) CATIE Biennial Report 2007-2008en
dc.relation.haspart(WD-342) Report and CARDI plan of Actionen
dc.relation.haspart443 - 2002-2009 Management Reporten
dc.relation.haspart444 - Strategic framework of IICAen
dc.relation.haspart445 - Progress with the strengthening of technical expertise at IICAen
dc.relation.haspart446 - Authorization for the Thirtieth Regular Meeting of The Executive Committee to approve the 2010-2014 Medium Term Plan of IICAen
dc.relation.haspart447 - IICA-FAO joint action on behalf of Agriculture in the Americasen
dc.relation.haspart448 - Strenghthening the Monitoring of the Implementation of the 2010-2011 Hemispheric Agendaen
dc.relation.haspart449 - Institutionalizing consultations with the members of Agricultural Production-Trade Chains (Value Chains) at the Ministerial Meetingsen
dc.relation.haspart450 - 2007 and 2008 Financial Statements of the Institute and Reports of the External Auditorsen
dc.relation.haspart451 - Fourteenth and Fifteenth Reports of the Audit Review Committee (ARC)en
dc.relation.haspart452 - Progress in the collection of quotas owed To IICAen
dc.relation.haspart453 - 2010 And 2011 Program Budgeten
dc.relation.haspart454 - Tribute to Mrs. Sharman Ottley for her contribution as a member of the Audit Review Committee (ARC)en
dc.relation.haspart455 - Bylaws of the Inter-American Commission for Organic Agricultureen
dc.relation.haspart456 - Amendments to the rules of the Institute on the election of the Director Generalen
dc.relation.haspart457 - General power of attorney of the Director General-Electen
dc.relation.haspart458 - Appointment of Dr. Chelston W. D. Brathwaite as Director Emeritusen
dc.relation.haspart459 - Status of the resolutions of the Fourteenth Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Board of Agriculture (IABA) and the Twenty-Eighth and Twenty-Nine Regular Meetings of the Executive Committeeen
dc.relation.haspart460 - 2008-2009 Inter-American Awards in the rural sectoren
dc.relation.haspart461 - Rotation Mechanism For Appointing the Representative of the Inter-American Board of Agriculture (IABA) to the Tropical Agriculture Research and Higher Education Center Governing Councilen
dc.relation.haspart462 - Donation of a plot of land in Turrialba For the construction of a hospitalen
dc.relation.haspart463 - Vote of thanks to the government and people of Jamaicaen
dc.relation.haspart464 - Plan of Action of the Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI)en
dc.relation.haspart465 - Plan of action of the Tropical Agriculture Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE)en
dc.titleXV Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Board of Agricultureen

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