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dc.contributor.authorInter-American Board of Agriculture (IABA)en
dc.coverage.spatialLa Antigua Guatemala, Guatemalaen
dc.description26-27 July, 2007en
dc.relation.haspartReport of the Fourteenth Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Board of Agricultureen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-306) Provisional Agendaen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-307) Provisional Scheduleen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-308) Agriculture and New challenges od development Summaryen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-309) Status of the Assessment of Technical Expertise at IICA (Resolution IICA/CE/Res.462(XXVII-O/07))en
dc.relation.haspart(WD-310) Auditors Reporten
dc.relation.haspart(WD-311) Twelfth and Thirteenth Reports of the Audit Review Committee (ARC)en
dc.relation.haspart(WD-312) Current Status of Quota Payments and Progress in the Collection of Quotas Owend to the Instituteen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-313) 2008-2009 Proposed Program Budget -Main Document-en
dc.relation.haspart(WD-313a) 2008-2009 Proposed Program Budget -Appendices-en
dc.relation.haspart(WD-314) Proposed Special Budget for 2008-2009 to be Financed with Resources from the General Subfunden
dc.relation.haspart(WD-315) Contributions of the CARDI to the Hemispheric Ministerial Agreements and 2005-2006 Reporten
dc.relation.haspart(WD-316) CATIE Report 2005-2006en
dc.relation.haspart(WD-317) Proposal for strengthening IICA´s role as an executing agency for agricultural and rural development projects and programs within the framework of the new IDB policyen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-318) Status of the resolutions of the XIII Regular Meeting of the IABAen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-319) Status of the resolutions of the XXV, XXVI and XXVII Meetings of the Executive Committeeen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-320) Ratification of the Amendments to the rules of procedure of the Executive Committee and the IABAen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-321) Date and Site of the Fifteenth Regular Meeting of the IABAen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-322) Recommendation of the Executive Committee regarding the System for the Determination of the Salary for the Director General of IABAen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-323) Inter American Awards in the Rural Sectoren
dc.relation.haspart428 - Status of the 2006-2010 Medium Term Planen
dc.relation.haspart429 - 2006 Report State of and Outlook for Agriculture and Rural Life in the Americasen
dc.relation.haspart430 - Progress in the Assessment of Technical Expertise at IICAen
dc.relation.haspart431 - IICA’s Participation as the Executing Arm for for Programs and Projects of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)en
dc.relation.haspart432 - Progress in Collecting Quotas Owed to the Institute as of June 30, 2007en
dc.relation.haspart433 - 2008-2009 Program Budgeten
dc.relation.haspart434 - 2008-2009 Special Budget Financed with Resources from the General Subfunden
dc.relation.haspart435 - Remuneration of the Director Generalen
dc.relation.haspart436 - Amendments to Articles 65, 87 and 88 of the Rules of Procedure of the IABA and Ratification of the Amendments to Articles 73, 96 and 97 of the Rules of Procedure of the ECen
dc.relation.haspart437 - Status of the Resolutions of the Thirteenth Regular Meeting of the IABAen
dc.relation.haspart438 - Date and Site of the Fifteenth Regular Meeting of the (IABA)en
dc.relation.haspart439 - Vote of Thanks to the Government and People of the Republic of Guatemala and to the Authorities of the City Antigua, Guatemalaen
dc.relation.haspart440 - 2005-2006 biennial report of the Caribbean Agricultural Research Development Institute (CARDI)en
dc.relation.haspart441 - 2005-2006 biennial report of the Tropical Agriculture Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE)en
dc.relation.haspart442 - Proposed addition to Law no. 8028 of Costa Rica empowering CATIE to grant professional credentials and academia degreesen
dc.titleXIV Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Board of Agricultureen

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